Q: What do you do? (Normal) = What kind of work do you do? (可,但不常用)

A: I'm an auto mechanic.



astronaut, clerk, cook, dentist, guard, homemaker, optician, secretary, volunteer, welder, etc.

office clerk (all stuff) = office worker (staff → whole group 所以後面不能加s)

‧travel agent → who books tickets

‧CPA(certified public accountant), accountant, book keeper

‧hair stylist (barber→in old days, also pull teeth)

‧mail carrier = postal worker

‧police officer [When you address, just say officer or sir.]

‧ship broker = shipping agent

‧server; they don't use waitress much

‧vet = veterinarian or veteran

‧military  air force, army→soilder, coast guard, marine, navy→sailor

‧military police

FBIsecret service

退休人員  I'm retired from music teacher.


Q: Are you married?

‧engaged  fiance(male) fiancee(female)



Q: Do you have any children?  or  How many children do you have?

A: I have a son and a daughter.  or  I have a boy and a girl.

[son, daughter or boy, girl 均可,但應該不會混著用 son, girl 或 boy, daugher]

If Single  Do you have any brothers or sisters?  or How many ......?

half-brother(同父異母or同母異父) ≠ adopted-brother ≠ step-brother(繼父或繼母的)


What floor do you live on?


Pronunciation Practice

mate, met, matt

pain, pen, pan

rake, wreck, rack

lace, less, lass=girl (Irish word)




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