目前分類:English Review & Practice (25)

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Lesson 9 - Shopping

buck = dollar 區區的幾元常會用bucks

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A: May I please【或是調到最後】 speak to _______ ?

B: This is she/he. 【本人接的】

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Is there a grocery store near here?

grocery /s/or/sh/ depends on where you're from

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Q: What do you do? (Normal) = What kind of work do you do? (可,但不常用)

A: I'm an auto mechanic.

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Body language: Open hands or palms.  Don't Point; it's very rude.

Fill out forms: you don't need to give a full sentece.

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It's a new position, and also a challange.
I need to learn more, read more......

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Yesterday my mom called me when i was in office.
She said the police informed her that our scooter was found.

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I went to the National Palace Museum yesterday.
There is the Second Festival of French-speaking Film from March 24th to April 6th.

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I went to I-lan again for the weekend.
I went out every weekends in March and maybe it'll be the same in April.

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Damn! My thighs and my arms are worn out.
Because I hadn't exercise for a long time until yesterday.

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It's International Vocal Groups' Concert.

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What have I done theses four years?
I didn't improve my English ability when I was in school.

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Yesterday I went to Taipei to play volleyball.
I'm not a pretty good player, so I'm a little bit afraid to play with excellent players.

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